A Broken Heart

Bible text:

Proverbs 4 vs23 — Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.

The Heart of man is regarded as the seat of emotions, affairs, issues of life. The Heart is very delicate that it takes in some thought that when processed defiles a man. The Heart of man is desperately wicked that if not guided, it can ruin a man.

*Prov 4vs23* says “keep” — — to keep means to hold tight, to protect, to guard, so this tell you that there are something’s to guard the heart against…this thoughts will come but my job is to “keep” my heart from them and not just keeping it but doing so with all determination, only the word of God should be at the centre of our heart.

*Mark 7 vs 21–23* tells us a list of those things that proceeds out of the heart of men. Many evil actions acted upon today didn’t just happened but has been in the heart of men, processed, given consideration, carefully decided upon in the jungle of the heart.

*Note*: The Lord views a man from the standpoint of his heart. The definition of a man in the sight of the Lord is how pure his heart is.

*I Samuel 16 vs 7,* *Matthew 5vs 8.* On the account of Saul and David. We see the hatred that came from Saul’s heart to David. A look at 1 Samuel 18 vs 8 tells us how God used David to slain ten thousands and Saul, thousands. Firstly, we see that Saul’s heart was not right before God and that would explain his level of victory. Secondly, strife came in when he thought within him that he is not privileged like David. The moment you do not recognize that God gift in a man is also available for you, envy, jealously, strife sets in.

  • Note:* The gift of God is resident in every believer, so if we claim to know this God, love should be paramount in our lives.

All these are unhealthy characters to you as a spiritual being. If your heart is not positioned well it attracts distractions and dispels the presence of God.

The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. — Psalms 34 vs 18.

Men of Israel did all sorts of evil before God but the moment He realises there’s was an alignment in their heart towards Him, He showed up for them.

The people of Nineveh did same *Jonah 3 vs 5,10.* Can God trust you on the based on the position of your heart? Can He take a look at your heart and find alignment?? With heart aligned to God, one can move mountains because He will be ready to partner with you.

How do I set my heart right?

1. *Think well:* Our thought forms the words we speak and words chat the course of life…the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he *Proverbs 23 vs 7*. Attack every evil thoughts with Gods word.

2. *Feed well:* The things we listen to, see, read are so important. Take the word of God, it will be of great help. *Proverbs 4 vs 21.*

3. *Live well:* Be deliberate about your actions and living for God. Most of all, Let love fill your heart.

In conclusion, God judges our intentions more than our actions. Carefully outline the reason behind those things you’re doing, check if it is consistent with the ways of God. Purify your heart with faith, allow Christ who knows the intents and thoughts of man to dwell therein.

I pray for the user of this devotional, whatsoever seated on the throne of your heart challenging the power of God be dethroned now in Jesus name. The state of your heart matters to God. *Psalms 139 vs 23–24. Psalms 19vs14.*


1. Oh Lord, please replace every heart of stone, evil with a heart that beats for You.

2. Oh Lord, let there be an alignment of your person, your character with the state of my heart.



Apostle Ojo Peter Korede
Revival City Christian Network International (RCCN)

Ojo Peter korede is the founder/ visioneer of Revival City Christian Network International(RCCN) and Give The Gospel A Voice Outreach International (GITGAV).