
Apostle Ojo Peter Korede
4 min readJun 24, 2018

Bible Text: Joshua 4vs4–7
An understanding of this revelation is for your profiting as a believer. Christianity as of today, as been watered down, so much that will see less of the hand of God in our services (Psalms 74 vs 9).

Photo by Akira Hojo on Unsplash

To the degree of our usefulness to God is to the degree God will be committed to things that concerns us and our family. Child of God, hear today, whatever you do for the lord today will translate into a memorial that will speak for you tomorrow. A memorial is what gives you a legal ground as believer to petition God to intervene into issues completely out of your control.

Although, there are instances, when God deliberately brings us into issues that is completely out of our control to show to us he is in control and also to awaken us to prayers. The evangelizing, the prayer, the songs, sharing the devotional and the monetary contribution you are investing towards the advancement of the kingdom will all translate into a memorial that can be used to challenge God in the day of trouble. There is no waste service in the kingdom. Even though, if it is eye service, there will be one that will be genuine and acceptable by the lord as memorial. A memorial is a service, worship and sacrifice render, that heaven owns with high esteem because of the positive impact the service has in the kingdom.
In Isaiah 38, the bible told us, God instructed Isaiah to go the house of Hezekiah and tell him, to set his house in order and be prepared to die. Hezekiah challenged God with his previous services in the house of the lord and the death was averted. In the same light, Cornelius the centurion in Luke 7 v 1–10, was in a very bizarre situation that was beyond is control, he came to the elder’s Israel and requested them to speak to Jesus to come and heal his sick servant. The bible told us, the elders went to Jesus and told him all he has done for the church and the kingdom, emphasizing the fact he was not a Jew. The kind gesture serves as a memorial. Jesus, immediately visited him and healed the servant. The bible contain account of series people, whose memorial provoked divine intervention. The account of dorcas in Act 9:36–42, is also a wonderful account of the spiritual benefit of memorial. There are some people God cannot afford to loss.

What are you currently doing in the house of the lord today that will serve as a memorial for you and your children in the days of trouble tomorrow? What service have render you in the house of God today that can be used as an atonement for you, when you are not? What memorial have you built? Are you among those whom, the lord has blessed specifically for his kingdom and today you have back off? Any wealth not use for the advancement of the kingdom is a waste.
Some time ago, I got an emergency knock on my door, I just returned from a very distance journey, I was very spent and I deliberately did not answer. The person kept knocking, eventually gate crashed into my room and said pastor come and see. I followed her only to see a live corpse. All, I did was lifted up her memorial to God in prayers and God restored her back to the life. Imagine, if she does not have any memorial with the lord. She could have just died like that and go. Brethren, you need to build a memorial today. It will amaze, you that your memorial can be used a bail out ticket to provoke generational divine intervention for your family member and those connected to your grace, when you are not. The memorial of the great apostle, Joseph Ayodele Babalola is still speaking miracle, healing and deliverance.
Action Point: The night cometh when no man can work, there is still time to build a memorial, locate a service unit in the church and join drop your ego, serve the lord with your substance. Reach out to the unsaved and you will see how your memorial will begin to speak.

Prayer point
1. Father give me the heart of a faithful steward
2. Father bless me financially, I want to be a gospel financier



Apostle Ojo Peter Korede

Ojo Peter korede is the founder/ visioneer of Revival City Christian Network International(RCCN) and Give The Gospel A Voice Outreach International (GITGAV).